Reward Program 獎勵積分

How to redeem your Points? 如何兌換?


  • You must be a registered shopper
  • Log in to your Account
  • Select your items


(1) Go to Shopping cart and select [View Cart]

(2) Enter the points (either full or partial) to redeem


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Reward Points 獎勵積分

RM 1 = 1 Point ( 1積分)

Effective March 2015, our online store introduces Reward Points as an appreciation for loyal shoppers.

Terms & Conditions

  1. You earn 1 point for every RM1 spend
  2. Your points are never expire so you can redeem any item any time you wish
  3. Delivery charges, coupons and gift vouchers do not count towards earning Reward Points.
  4. Only for registered members and not applicable for guest checkout.
  5. Points will normally be added to account within 7 -10 working days after shipping is completed
  6. Redemption is only applicable on normal retail prices or discounted points (subject to review from time to time)
  7. Points redeemed (used) and order subsequantly canceled by shopper will not be reinstated..


自 2015 年 3 月起,我們的網店引入獎勵積分作為感謝忠實的購物者。


  1. 每RM1的消費= 1 積分
  2. 積分永遠不會過期,所以您可以隨時兌換任何在網上拍賣的物品
  3. 運送費、 優惠券、 禮品券不計入獲得獎勵積分。
  4. 積分獎勵只限於註冊會員(注册账户),並不適用於來賓結帳(直接结账)。
  5. 積分一般在運送完畢後的7-10個工作天内加入賬戶。
  6. 兌換只適用於零售價格或隨時更正的促銷折扣積分。
  7. 已兌換(使用)的積分,如果過後購物者取消訂單,將無法再恢復。



Example of redemption conversion 積分兌換範例




Points earned or partial points to be used for redemption 已賺取的積分或部分用於贖回的積分



Item to be redeemed 兌換的物品

Price in Reward Point = 3180

 (Online Price RM119)

Point conversion rate 積分兌換比例

RM119 / 3180 points = 0.0374

Points equivalent to RM 積分兌換相等價錢(馬幣)

500 points  X 0.0374 = RM18.71


With this example you can use 500 points (RM18.70) to offset the purchase amount of the item, ie., RM119 – RM18.71, you pay the balance RM100.29

以上的示例,您可以使用 500 點 (RM37.40),來抵消商品的價錢,即RM119  — RM37.40,你只付餘款 RM81.60