How to redeem your Points? 如何兌換? |
- You must be a registered shopper
- Log in to your Account
- Select your items
(1) Go to Shopping cart and select [View Cart]
(2) Enter the points (either full or partial) to redeem
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Reward Points 獎勵積分 |
RM 1 = 1 Point ( 1積分) Effective March 2015, our online store introduces Reward Points as an appreciation for loyal shoppers. Terms & Conditions
自 2015 年 3 月起,我們的網店引入獎勵積分作為感謝忠實的購物者。 條款和條件
Example of redemption conversion 積分兌換範例 |
With this example you can use 500 points (RM18.70) to offset the purchase amount of the item, ie., RM119 – RM18.71, you pay the balance RM100.29 以上的示例,您可以使用 500 點 (RM37.40),來抵消商品的價錢,即RM119 — RM37.40,你只付餘款 RM81.60