Traditional Chinese gown-style dresses adopted the open front-piece since the Shang (1782-1046 BC) and Zhou (1046-476 BC) dynasties, mostly at the right lapel.
The style of Qipao refers mainly to the change of the shape of its front piece, sleeves and collar. If the button is in the middle, it is called the Opposite Front Piece; button on the right it is called the Right Front Piece; button on the left it is called Left Front Piece. Common shapes of the front piece of Qipao include RuYi (如意pinyin: rúyì ,a S-shaped ornamental object, usually made of jade and a symbol of good luck) shape, Large Round shape, Square shape, Straight shape, Two-side shape, Oblique shape, Curved shape, Medium to Long shape, Pipa (琵琶 pinyin: pípá, is a four-stringed Chinese musical instrument - lute) shape and Double-circle shape .
中國袍服從商(西元前1782年-1046 年)、周朝(西元前1046年-476 年),開始就習慣使用開襟型式,而且大多數是右衽。
旗袍上的襟是指除去了袖子,前面的那一片。開襟,即襟是分開的,紐扣在胸前的叫‘對開襟’,在右側的叫‘右開襟’, 在左側的叫‘左開襟’。
Ruyi-shaped Front Piece 如意襟
Ruyi is a Chinese ornamental object symbolizing good luck. With a head shaped like a ganoderma or a piece of cloud and an S-shaped handle, Ruyi served as a sort of wand or an article for admiration.
“如意” 是華人一種象徵祥瑞的器物,頭部為靈芝型或雲型,柄微曲,供人指劃或玩賞。富有韻味的傳統衣襟方式。
A RuYi during Qing Dynasty, Length 40.3cm 清代中期,紫檀嵌玉八卦如意,長40.3cm。
Large Round Front Piece 大圓襟
It is a round smooth shape.
Square Front Piece 方襟
The square front piece contains round shapes. It is reserved and full of changes, suitable for women of various features.
Straight Front Piece 直襟
Qipoa with straight front piece will make the body look more slander. It is suitable for women with a round face and a plump figure. The straight row of frogs has a strong decoration effect.
Two-side Front Piece 雙襟
Two sided front piece gives a balanced and symmetric sense of beauty, it is graceful and magnanimous and suitable for middle-aged and elderly women.
Oblique Front Piece 斜襟
The oblique front piece runs from collar to chest, a classical taste and most common style for Qipaos.
Curved Front Piece 曲襟
The curved front piece looks like an S with edges and corners. With a large opening, it is easy to put on.
Medium and Long Front Piece 中長襟
An obscure arc comes down from the collar band. Avoiding the chest, it extends all the way to the waist. A row of asymmetric frogs is arranged on the body side as decoration.
Pipa-shaped Front Piece 琵琶襟
The large front piece only covers the chest and does not reach the armpit.
A Double-circle Front Piece 雙圓襟
The double-circle front piece is beautiful and varied in shapes. It is different from the mature and prudent round front piece.