Fabric: Modal 莫代爾

Modal fabric was invented and trademarked by the Austrian company Lenzing AG in the 1960s. Lenzing has been making cellulose fibers for more than 75 years.

A fabric that looks good, feels better, and is natural as well。

Modal fabric is a bio-based textile made from reconstructed cellulose. It is a type of rayon; the only difference being that rayon can be made from any tree, whereas, modal is made from only beechwood. Beechwood is a deciduous tree found in Europe, Asia, and North America. Although it is a natural fabric, the innumerable chemicals used in its production make it a bio-based textile.


Modal Fabric Properties:

  • Modal is a soft, smooth, and breathable fabric.
  • It gives a natural and luxurious feel.
  • It is cool, very absorbent, and dyes easily.
  • It keeps shape and drapes easily.
  • The color stays for long and does not fade easily.
  • It is resistant to shrinkage.



  • Modal has been described as the softest fabric in the world by all the people who have used it. This comfort factor is the main reason for its popularity. Plus, it has high strength, and it does not lose its shape even when wet.
  • Even after repeated washing, the color does not fade, nor does its texture get affected. It is also safe to machine wash and tumble-dry modal clothes.
  • Hard water deposits do not adhere to the fabric due to its smoothness.
  • Modal is super-absorbent, plus resistant to shrinkage, making it a better option than cotton. It is 50% more water-absorbent than cotton. It even uses 10 - 20 times less water than cotton for cultivation.
  • It is an Eco-friendly fabric, that gives you more advantages at no extra cost. Of course, the exact price may vary according to the brand, just like other fabrics.



  • Modal doesn't really have any major disadvantages. The only noteworthy drawback is that, it is prone to stretching and pilling.
  • Taking simple precautions like not hanging or rubbing modal clothes will solve the problem. Most modal blends anyway don't face this problem.
  • After washing, it is necessary to iron modal clothes, just like cotton.







莫代爾纖維 -特點

  (1) 莫代爾(Modal)具有高強力纖維均勻的特點,濕強力約為干強力的50%,優於粘膠的性能,具有較好的可紡性與織造性。粘膠、莫代爾(Modal)、棉的乾濕強度對比見表: 
  粘膠 Modal 棉 
  干強(cN/tex) 26 34 25 
  濕強(cN/tex) 15 19 29 
  (2) 莫代爾(Modal)纖維具有的濕模量較高,其紗線的縮水率僅為1%左右,而粘膠纖維紗線的沸水收縮率高達6.5%。 
  (3) 莫代爾(Modal)纖維的高強度使它適於生產超細纖維,也能在環錠、轉杯和氣流紡紗機上紡紗,並可得到幾乎無疵點的細支紗,適於織造輕薄織物(如80g/m2的超薄織物)和厚重織物,製作的超薄織物的強度、外觀、手感、懸垂性和加工性能良好,製作的厚重織物厚重而不臃腫。 
  (4) 莫代爾(Modal)纖維紡紗可產生較均勻的條幹,與其他纖維可以不同比例混紡,如與羊毛、棉、麻、絲、滌綸等都可得到高品質的紗線。 
  (5) 莫代爾(Modal)纖維可用傳統的纖維素纖維的預處理,漂白和染色工藝加工。傳統的纖維素纖維染色用的染料,如直接染料、活性染料、還原染料、硫化染料和偶氮染料都可用於莫代爾(Modal)織物的染色,且相同的上染率,莫代爾(Modal)織物的色澤更好,鮮艷明亮,與棉混紡可進行絲光處理,且染色均勻、濃密,色澤保持持久。 
  (6) 莫代爾(Modal)纖維良好的外觀使其織物具有絲綢般的光澤,顯得雍容華貴,大大提升了服裝的檔次;良好的手感和懸垂性,使得服裝顯得更加飄逸,隨身性更強;極柔軟的觸感,賦予了織品第二肌膚之美稱。 


莫代爾纖維 -特性








