Order: Email 郵件訂購

Order By Email

Notes: No Reward Points for order made via Email. For Reward Program, Click

Please send your order to  eshop.missuya@gmail.com


  • PAYMENT: Kindly make payment at the soonest possible to secure your items or within 24 hours upon your order via email otherwise your order will be canceled automatically.
  • PRIORITY DELIVERY WITH PAYMENT: We shall not reserve the item(s) should there be another customer who makes advance payment for the same. Full amount will be refunded if payment has been credited to our bank account.
  • We process orders according to the priority of payment sequence, including confirmed orders with payment made on weekends and holidays.

For orders via email, please provide the following details:
1. Name
2. Address (PO Box address is not acceptable)
3. Contact No
4. Product ID, Size and Quantity


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請電郵到: eshop.missuya@gmail.com

通過電子郵件訂購者不能積纍獎勵積分。關於獎勵積分,請點擊 點此


• 以便保留您所訂的商品,請即刻付款,或在下單後的 24 小時內付款,逾期您的訂單將會自動取消。
• 付款優先發貨:倘若另一個客戶先預付了同款的商品,我們將不保留您的訂單。已經匯入了我們銀行帳戶的款項,我們將退還全額。
• 至於在周末或假日付款的訂單,我們會在來臨的工作日依付款的順序優先處理訂單。

1. 英文姓名
2. 英文地址(郵政信箱地址將不被接受)
3. 連絡電話
4. 商品編號,尺碼與數量


如何付款? 點此.

關於運送與費用(馬來西亞)? 點此.

關於運送與費用(國外)? 點此.