About Size

About Size

  1. When buying online for clothing, you must know your own vital statistics (body measurements), and compare with the Size Table of each design.
  2. Due to size standard differences between different manufacturers, markets and designers, please study and select the size from Size Table of each design.
  3. Size M of Design 1 may not be the same measurements of Size M of Design 2.
  4. Your regular SIZE need not be necessary the standard for selecting a clothing online or even in a physical store.
  5. The Size chart is for reference. All dimensions are measured with clothing laying flat on the floor. Measurement deviation of 1.0 - 3.0 cm is normal. It is advisable to choose ‘rather Large than Small’ size out of the vital statistics. This makes it easier to do slight alteration should you prefer or decide to modify later.
  6. In general ready-made garment, especially qipao (cheongsam), it is impossible to fit 100% on the wearer. Different people have different proportions of body shape. Qipao are best worn with ‘well-suited’ or ‘fit to wearer’s body’, therefore be ready for alteration, if necessary when buying ready-made qipao either at the shop or online.
  7. Qipao (cheongsam) is a special kind of clothing, so some shoppers prefer to do slight alteration according to their body shape.










  • 在網上購買服裝,您必須先測量三圍,再與每個款式的的[尺寸表]進行比較。
  • 每個款式因不同厰家,市場,設計師,所以標準尺寸都不一,故請依每款的[尺寸表]做選擇。
  • 款式()M碼,未必與款式() M同一個尺寸。
  • 無論是在實體店鋪或網店,你經常穿的尺碼大小未必是您的標準選擇。
  • [尺寸表]僅做參考,衣服均為手動平鋪測量,尺寸誤差1.0 - 3.0 CM左右均為正常現象。在網上購買旗袍、原則是寧大勿小、建議選擇比自己淨三圍略大的碼數,就是三個尺寸中盡可能取最大符合標準的型號.
  • 一般現成衣服,尤其是旗袍,是不可能100%合身的。不同的人有不同比例的身體形狀。旗袍的穿著最好是 '合身' '貼近穿著的身型'。因此無論在店鋪或網店購買現成的旗袍,應該有心理準備做必要的修改。
  • 因爲旗袍是較特殊的服飾,所以有的客人收到旗袍後根據自己的實際尺寸稍加修改。